What is Learning disability:

Learning disability is a condition also known as learning disorder or learning difficulty. It can limit the person with disability in many functioning which are normal for other healthy individuals. This disorder can cause problem in learning quickly and easily.

Symptoms Of Learning disability:

Child can experience difficulty in reading, writing, spoken language. 4% of school age has reading disorder. The child’s reading performance should be significantly below the level expected on the basis of age, general intelligence and school placement In the early stages of learning an alphabetic script, there may be difficulties in reciting alphabets, in giving the correct name of letters, in giving simple rhymes for words and in analyzing or categorizing sounds.

Treatment Of Learning Disability:

Depending on the type and severity of the disability, insertions may be used to help the individual learn strategies that will foster future success. Teachers and parents should be a part of the intervention in terms of how they aid the individual, in successfully completing different task. Clinical psychologists are also often help to design the treatment plane, and coordinate the execution of the intervention with teachers and parents. Social support can be a crucial component for students with learning disabilities in the school system. People with learning disabilities can succeed and go on to be successful later in life.